Do we have any XML + Actionscript 2 experts on right now?

        var library_obj:Object = new Object();                // library object
        library_obj.numNodes     = rootNode.childNodes.length;

        for(var n:Number = 1; n < library_obj.numNodes; n++){
            library_obj.subNodes     = rootNode.childNodes[n].childNodes;
            for (var i:Number = 0; i < library_obj.subNodes.length; i++) {
                library_obj.library[n] = new Object();
                library_obj.library[n].image*.path         = rootNode.childNodes[n].childNodes*.attributes.itemPath;

                // THIS WORKS 
                // THIS DOES NOT WORK

            }    buildLibrary();

I’ve marked what does and does not work in the code… they should ALL equal the same thing at that point. I am not too familiar w/ AS2 so I could very well be breaking a rule or doing it wrong when I am setting the value of library_obj.library[n].image*.path… but I just don’t know…