Do you ever create a running debug log for your game?

I have trace statements all over that I may or may not comment out for debugging purposes, once I am done working on some segment, I kind of forget about it and hope I cleaned up after myself or did a decent job.

Does anyone ever write to a log or .txt to trace the entire game game path, with details such as:

-game menu entered
** …waiting
-instructions open
3 buttons created

  • button #2 selected
    closing screen
    remove all children
    2 of 3 buttons are nulled, 3rd button save for later use

-instructions closed
-start play level1,
-punch character…whatever*

Is this ever done for a debugging workflow? I feel like its a way I could have written notes to myself instead of re-learning some code that I forgot about any might have hacked together at the time.