Do you know how to make this?

Does anyone know how to make this kool menu from

that there is sorta easy if you have the eye for it…
but im not sure if there is action scripts for it…
on my website…
i make the link disapear after the view clicks on it so that they do not have the option to click on it again…
and i have some neat little inbetweens…
check it out if you would like

saint cleve, add a preloader to your website. Its taking ages to load. :wink:


thanks alot

i want this other effect…

here is my testing site.

see the menu? and the arrow. when you click on a menu item i want that arrow to move next to that button…

do you know how to do that?

that toturial is conufsing.

just use movieclips as buttons heres an example im sure some of the AS gurus here can do this same effect with less code or maybe even using variable but im not a AS guru so this is how i get it to work good luck :beam:

here you are…
made fast, so don’t expect fireworks or smthn…

kool… I used it

works great…
but for some reason my buttons wont go to the roll over stage.

how do i make the arrow stop when it gets to its clicked no position?

just switch onMouseOver with onRelease