Its pretty annoying but I found my dog with an ipod in its mouth
. What really sucks is it is very recently purchanse (2 months ago) and I loved it. Well i was looking around at the ipod one year warranty but I am not sure if that is just for internal defects, does anyone know if they could replace the case of the ipod (or the whole thing) if its under warranty? I heard about the great customer support from Apple and i get to give it its first test. Thanks
Tell them you were running usability and durability tests on the IPOD, and were appalled that it could not stand up to the simple “Dog Chewing Test”. Which is a standard in your line of work. And if they dont send you a new one. You will have to give the IPOD 2 thumbs down in your consumer reports. (gotta make it seem like it will hit them in the pocket book.
[COLOR=White]this could have varying results, and could get you thoroughly embarassed, ridiculed or just plain trout slapped. Use this advice at your own risk.[/COLOR] 
D*mn your footer McGiver…another hour down the drain.
I don’t think warranties usually cover acts of Dog.
I think Apple won´t give you a new Ipod, but try to sue your dog!