Hello! I hope you’re doing good*
I’m looking on domain names and I’m not so sure on what to get. I didn’t want to post here in the first place about this, but I really need other brains to help me out or give me a boost. I feel like I’ve lost my sense of being creative at the time and when I found myself using an online domain name generator I knew I needed help:puzzled: [whisper]I can’t believe I said that[/whisper]
First of all. What is my site going to be about?
Well, if you take a look at my footer you can see that I’m working on my new online portfolio. So it’s going to be my personal website where I post my work, [SIZE=-1]write whatever I feel like writing [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]etcetera[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]etcetera[/SIZE]
So… I tried to have a little brainstorm some days ago and I came up with some names that I liked and some I didn’t. Fair enough, but those I liked were taken so that sent me back to scratch:bad:
One name though were not taken, and that is my name (oyvindronning). Yes, it might do and I can use it forever cause it’s almost as “personal” as it can get, but in my opinion it’s too boring and I don’t want boring. First of all it sounds like I’ve got no creativity at all (kinda true at the moment but no) and second my name is not oyvindronning - it’s Øyvind Rønning. So that fancy letter of mine leaves me with some problems.
Like I said I don’t want a “boring” name. It don’t have to be super funny or anything, but just not so formal if you get me. I want it to be something sort of personal, something that’s not “tig3rboy.com” but rather “oslash.com”. Cause “oslash” was a part of my brainstorm and it’s more representative of my name. It has a touch of funnyness in it and it’s not super long - therefore easier to remember:) But sadly it was taken and the owner didn’t want to sell:2c:
These are some things I’ve thought my name could build upon:[LIST]
[]My name - Øyvind Rønning
[]The letter ø
[]A simple line - like “watchmedesign” or “gottadesign” (taken by the way)
[]A “deeper” meaning. Like the latin word for twin or something in that direction. (cause I’m a twin… and that was just an example!)[/LIST]And these are some things I don’t want to have[LIST]
[]A number or symbol
[]A long name
[*]Something with “designs”/“productions” or whatever[/LIST]This turned into a long piece of text, probably the longest I’ve written, and I hope I didn’t go on with just rubbish:beam: But I wanted to write quite a bit and don’t just ask “what should my domain name be?” so you know I’m serious… or something:P Hopefully I got to explain it good enough, and if you’ve got any fancy idea or suggestion please shout!
*If you were doing good I hope I didn’t screw you up.