Getting new domain - need name!

I’m going to be getting a new domain here soon. I want it to be just basicly for my flash/artistic creations and pretty much anything else i wanna put on it. I also want it to be kidna open ended for any direction i may choose to veer off into. I’ve had my old domain since like sixth grade…Kinda figured i needed a bit of a change :slight_smile:

I’d like to have the name have something to do with “darkfuzz” - my online alias. also, I like the idea of that crystallized logo i have next to my name on kirupaforums. Look at the pics below for some more crystal-themed art [they’ve kinda been a motif in my work recently]

[size=1]warning both pics are 1024x768[/size]

But other than that, i have no idea. I’m sure some of you web developers out there can sympathize :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, suggest away! thanks in advance!

  • Darkfuzz :smiley: