Domain name

Hi all,
I know this is the section for website critiques etc (just before you get started on me…lol), but I thought it was the best place to post this question.

Just looking for advice. I have my web page, branding etc finished and have two urls in mind…The links don’t take you anywhere so don’t click them.

I know. I know. Why am I asking which one is better. You may say .com is always the best you dunce.
My thinking was that “network tv”, or you might say “network television” is a catchy much used phrase even though it’s spelt differently(I have my reasons).

It’s a portfolio site of sorts with web designs, audio and video which kind of has a multimedia element, hence the “tv”.

We all know how “.com” is easy to remember for the jo public, so that’s why I may be inclined to go for that.

What do you think? It may seem trivial, but once the site is up and running, that’s it.

I know you be totally blunt about this(which I appreciate) so thanks in advance!