Done my first t-shirt!

Hey everybody!
Just put up my first t-shirt on !
lets hope it goes into production!

Its called creative pride and its by me - mariofan!


ps. evrybody submit to this site man - and get your designs seen!

pretty neat :).

wheres the link?

a search of the site got me this

nice stuff man, i agree with the comments, smaller would be cool, or maybe to be even funkier put it near the left shoulder.

pretty… it’d be nice smaller, i agree. :slight_smile:

cheers guys!
yeah, smaller seems to be what everyone wants!


Great work man keep it up

Nice one mate. :slight_smile:

Oh, I meant to ask earlier - how’s the new job going? And young Daisy Mai? :slight_smile:

very nice! two thumbs up :smiley:

Good work, love the sharp lines. Pink T-shirt?

hey mario,

You´re an incredible talented artist, and you know it :wink:

loved the design, not so much the color and hated for not being able to buy it :frowning:

and to know that this isn´t your best job makes me jealous (and mad at you).

Cheers! :bounce:

Cheers again everyone!

The job is going well, already doing valentines day cards for next year (the card industry has to work pretty far in front)

Daisy mai is going well! 14 months now and she is a little rascal - we are getting a little kitten on sunday! Its a poorly one taken in at the vet. However - its nearly better!

Cheers again!

:mario: mariofan!

Awesome job mario. takin one for the team hehe. it would be better smaller but its fine now. i think it would look good like navy colors or something along those lines. but Great Job man :thumb:

Looks good. :slight_smile:
Tell me, do they give you one for free for creating it?

By the way, I notice most shirts for sale there have only one or two sizes to choose from; mostinly Xlarge or small. Why is that?

mariofan, a reply…please?
