NEW threadless design.. not submitted yet

any comments? Changes? Additions?

and noo, I won’t be adding a mouth… it’s part of the style…

Manga style… Gets my vote every time. I like the eyes, in particular. :slight_smile:

Only thing I’m wondering is if the head would look better tilted up slightly to expose the throat more, rather than straight ahead, but that’s not to say you should change it. It really is cool as it is. :beam:

very nice eilsoe
are we gonna be able to buy one?
cuz i think i want one

wait, can you buy them?
what is threadless… is it like a t-shirt place
thats what i was thinkin at least
i want one if its a t-shirt
lol, sorry for bein dumb

very nice eilsoe…
once again u have done it…

Hey… get me a copy… :slight_smile:


kinda wierd without that mouth! But cool!

btw Kit you should send one too about manga stuff!

It looks like its gonna cry because it doesn’t have a mouth :frowning:


  • Soul :s:

ok now that is cool! how do you do that w/a mouse?

It’s all selections and paths in PS dippy… nothing but…

hm, maybe I SHOULD submit it…

hmm i will give it a shot
your other one seems to be doing well

It took threadless over a month to ship my shirt to me… I was pissed…

**** jubba. i might order one tonight

that looks really sweet…
i can never seem to get my vector curves to look flowing/natural. Mine always seem to … i dunno, just look awkward i guess :*(

anyways, that would look really cool on a shirt
