Dont Have Flash?

So you are on a computer at someone else’s house and you dont have access to flash or photoshop. How can you play with all the fun tools you love?

A. Download a trial version of what you want.

B. When this is not an option, use what you have as best you are able, i.e. MSPaint.

C. Download this swf!
It basically just gives you access to Flash’s color manipulation features dynamically on any image you want. Combine images with alpha too. Then printscreen and paste into MSPaint to save or edit further.

Well I haven’t downloaded the but I would like to say that the car game on your footer RULEZ man!!

Nice one :slight_smile:

thanks. It was lots of fun to make, everybody seems to love it.

I have to do some work but I can’t stop playin the **** thing!!
**** YOU SIR :slight_smile:


i haven´t seen it before (i browse with footers off) but now i have to say that i´m deeply impressed by your footer… it rox!!! :A+:

Well done brother! =)

Thanks Guigo. Any suggestions for future additions?

Kel- sorry about that :slight_smile: think I should add a warning or disclaimer of some sort?

Playing around with windows sample jpgs. (with the swf above)

i have a suggestion, can we take our jeep in a city?
in traffic, like we are on a city map, bridges, traffic lights and all tht kinda stuff?
wat do u say?

wow, that imgfx thing is sweet. did you make it?

I’d love a city sequel, but theres a problem with buildings: they’re square. Gotta figure out a good way to do them in 3D.

yeah i through that img thing together yesterday, just to make sure i understood the color stuff.