i’ll try my hand @ wallpaper, i got some other stuff in the works , never visited this part of the forum tho- only the actionscript MX side of kirupa, time to broaden my horizons, as well as others…
wow. i like both of thoes pictures. well done!
Both pictures are quite cool.
What are they for, and how did you make them?
That first one is pretty hot… I like the simplicity… it looks clean.
Good job.
oooh I like the 2nd one. is that the only size?
the 1st is good also, but the centerpiece is the best part. I think
the elements you added clutter it up a bit and take away from it.
Good stuff. =)
I like the 2nd one more, but yes, I agree with unflux that it’s too busy with all that other junk in it.
I think it would look better with another color scheme as well.
i like the shiny rings…
in the second one i don’ t think the background quite goes with that mass of object in the front, like EG said, the colours are abit off.
the first one looks better to me. did you use 3dsm?
well 1st off thanx for all the compliments
to answer questions…
schling - the pictures were for a random swf loader for backgrounds
but that got scrapped so i had em takin up harddrive space.
|| maya 4.5 & photoshop || 3ds-max sux (IMO) :bad: ; but it does have it’s high points.
unflux - the second picture was originally was 1024x768 but to get it up here i had to make it a bmp and really small. but i could zip it up larger ? ? ? why cant you upload .rar files ?
1st pik - elements gone
i’ll post the others as well, just lemme know which you want larger and when i get a chance i’ll zip em’ @ your desired resolution!
got bored w/ my car - new paint anyone?!
that was the original…
haha wide body civic, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen one of those. :beam:
yeah, I’d reall like to have a larger version if you could. Whatever
size you have, but 1280x1024 would be excellent!
If you can’t get it uploaded, email it to me. I don’t mind.
Nice car btw…umm…before the new paint tho.
cool man! I like the first one better… kinda smooth! …oh and nice car!
:+) everything that you have posted so far looks yummy! come here more!!!
the paint was done in photoshop, the car is regular electron blue pearl, (stock si color)…and no prob i can e-mail them!
i’ll see what else i can come up with.
.::ah electron : your out in cali, you probobally see these all day long. lol in florida im an icon at the shows (-: .::
email it to the e-mail @ unflux? i dont see an upload on the e-mail for kirupa?!
yeah you cant upload via kirupa