Dope 2006!

achieved or archived? wrong spelling
nice splash btw:) looks awesome!

basically i love this website. why, do you ask? because i developed it! :smiley: just you all wait… it’s gonna be sweet when we launch in a few days.

I second that BV, this kid is badd ***!!!


i think its because they want to give forewarning to everyone that their getting a new look so that if osmeone goes to the site,they see a new layout then they may get confused and leave cuz its not the same as the old site.

just makes it more user friendly i think to let people know whats going on.

So… You didn’t make this? Why are you posting is in showcase and critiques… :h:

he did… he just has a developer, which is the same thing I do. As I’m a designer and not a great coder, I have developers who take my concepts and put them in motion. I can do small things, in code and things like front-end coding and design no problems, but the developer creates most… if not all the functionality to attach it to the frontend output. Does it make it any less mine…? Nope… that exactly what it sounds like sean is doin too, it’s a team effort.

you are exactly right. i have a friend who is a coding god and he does any coding i need(other than AS). we currently have a big project in motion and he is doing all the coding but i did the design. we both put our input and ideas into it so it makes it a team effort.

apix and simplistic, I am the same i have a friend who does most of the coding other than AS(and css if u call it coding).