Hey guys, finally decided to download FireFox and see what all the hype is about. I dont normally touch browsers until they’ve been time proven, and as of right now FF is still just being offered as a “preview release”, but hey I had to check it out. Very nice, good loading, gotta love the tabs since I am looking so many pages at a time during the day. However I have been noticing differences in page display… at first it really wasnt anything big, just stuff I noticed on pages I go to alot… now Ive found some things that actually inhibit my ability to navigate certain sites… example: www.di.fm they have a drop menu, that works fine in IE and it works fine in FF - BUT - when it should drop down over the “FEATURES” section you cannot see the nav.
Could some one else check this, I would like to be sure it is not just my system. Also have any of you other FF users experienced problems since most designers/developers are not yet really trying to make their stuff fully FF compatible?
it actually seems to be a problem FF has with displaying a JAVA dropdown/tree menu over a .swf file… in FF I cant even see the swf, or the Java drop down that should be over it. ??? hmmm
Tune into DI.FM via iTunes - you get a 96kbps stream instead of the 32kbps Windows Media stream available from their site
and yes, there are some annoyances with Firefox, but I guess it’s just like anything else. Whether it be Mac vs Win, or coffee vs tea… you’ll get around it