Ok - I got this code straight from the Adobe livedocs… It doesn’t work! Can somebody tell me what is going wrong? Maybe it’s my php but I use the exact same method & have got my comboboxes to work & send the vars to an email.
I have been trying this for ages & am ready to lose my patience! :pirate:
//On frame 1 of the timeline I have declared my var as such:
var my_text:String = my_ti.text;
//Then I have this AS on a seperate actions layer on the main timeline:
var my_ti:mx.controls.TextInput;
// Create listener object.
var tiListener:Object = new Object();
tiListener.handleEvent = function (evt_obj:Object){
if (evt_obj.type == “enter”){
if (my_ti.length < 8) {
trace(“You must enter at least 8 characters”);
} else {
// Add listener.
my_ti.addEventListener(“enter”, tiListener);// And finally my PHP:
$to = "thewaiter@mydomain.com";
$msg .= "Text entered is: $_POST[my_text]
mail($to, $subject, $msg, "From: My web site
Reply-To: $email