Draw an image in

I have been trying to find out to draw the outline of an image… then fade the image in…

Here is an example I fount on the net…

It looks like this would involve tracing bitmaps… I suck at that…
I have only done it twice… and it took forever…

I actually had to just start eraing parts of the image… ahhhh.

i dont know if you read this http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/logoreplication.htm ?

I have seen that before… I guess you are saying to just trace around the image…

Then cut it out… then animate the lines…

I guess that is the way… this effect will take a long time… thanks man

you’re welcome… and good luck because it will take a lot of time…

You could trace it in a program like illustrator, then import into Flash and use masks to make it look like the lines are being drawn. Illustrator would probably allow to you create the outlines a lot faster.

can you tell me (or give a link) how to trace outlines with illustrator, because i’m new to illustrator but i’m learning how to use it… it seems a good feature

There’s really no “Trace Outlines” feature as far as i know, but I would go about it by using the pen tool with no fill color. Someone else might have a better suggestion, I am not greatly familiar with doing this myself, but I have found the pen tool to be a great feature.

yeah you’d have to run the pen tool along the image contours that you want to keep, export it as an swf file and bring it into flash, then use masks for the lines and a simple opacity change it looks like for the image.

ok thanks!