Drawing in MX - confined to shape (not square)


Another bump in the road for me.

I’ve found a similar thread to this but my problem’s a little different.
I’ve never used the drawing function on Flash and I followed the fairly simple tute on it just recently.

Is there any way to confine the drawing area to a specific shape. Mine’s a rectangluar shape that’s rotated. You can download my FLA with the background image here > http://www.realchurch.com.au/my_draw.zip
I’d like to try and keep it confined to the notepad area.
Anyone know? I think it might be a hitTest thing with if/else. Not sure.

My other thing would be to just rotate the notepad so that it’s straight.
Even still i’d like it confined to the area beginning with the corner of the notepad, not the corner of my movie.

Anyone got any thoughts?