
It’s not me that made that kind of mental connection! That was you! :slight_smile:

you fired the first shot :wink:

Surreal conversation #2! :slight_smile:

Boring! All blah blah, but we still don’t know! :wink:

Bend the rules!!! :thumb:

Come on Kit :wink:

I used to have a recurring dream about me being stood on a large wooden fence, and on the other side a bull was charging at the fence from afar, I always woke up just as it got to the fence :-\

And I used to have one where I was stuck in a greenhouse because there was a large eagle outside trying to get me :-\


  • Soul :s:

Like I said, I’ll PM you it! :beam:

I used to have strange dreams about fire, that I was stuck inside a burning building…

And I remember one really cool one (I must have been watching Die Hard or something that evening) where me and my friends were defending the building where I worked… We were running round with guns and stuff, that was funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey! Nono, you heard Soul, Kit! Bend the rules! He’s the rule-maker of this thread so you just have to listen to him. :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Soul, about the bull dream, that’s normal. No one can die in his own dream, that’s just not possible. I don’t know why, but it’s a fact. It’s like, when the bullet is just going to hit you, or when you just are going to fall in a very deep well… you wake up. It’s like your brain tells you “hey, wait a second, you’re not dead yet!”.

Strange stuff, dreams.

Anyway, we’re ready Kit :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *

absolute dump, full of chavs**

Hey Kit whats a Chav?

You haven’t heard that term before? I guess it’s a Medway one…

OK, the area where I live (Medway) is well known for the state of the people that live there. It’s a bit pikey anyway, but there’s a lot of people walking round with a ton of gold jewellery, tracksuits, baseball caps, greasy hair, attitude problems… They look really stupid, and haven’t got much in the way of brains. These are what we call ‘chavs’. :slight_smile:

For more information about chavs and Chatham Girls, go here - http://www.geocities.com/chatham_girls/home.htm

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…I see

Nope never heard that term before…

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
Hey! Nono, you heard Soul, Kit! Bend the rules! He’s the rule-maker of this thread so you just have to listen to him. :stuck_out_tongue: lol

Nope doesn’t matter, I get to be told privately in a PM! :beam:

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
Soul, about the bull dream, that’s normal. No one can die in his own dream, that’s just not possible. I don’t know why, but it’s a fact. It’s like, when the bullet is just going to hit you, or when you just are going to fall in a very deep well… you wake up. It’s like your brain tells you “hey, wait a second, you’re not dead yet!”.

Good, I know I’m safe then :thumb: I still want to know the reason why its a bull, doesn’t seem to be on thast webpage

Has anyone ever had a dream about kirupaforum? Hehe! Or any member? :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

last night i dreamt that i was some scientist performing an experiment on this girl in a coma. for some reason she was submerged in a tank of water and had all these tubes going from her nose and mouth. suddenly she opened her eyes, shot up and grabbed me by the neck and started choking me. at that point i woke up.

I think usually in dreams that involve pain and bathroom activities it means your brain is trying to tell you that you are in pain or have to go to the bathroom. You were probably sleeping with you arm around you neck wierd or something.

or you forgot to go to the bathroom :stuck_out_tongue:

i didn’t have to go to the bathroom. it was very very realistic like the girl’s face turned into something horrible (kinda like the girl in the exorcist) and she was like i hate you i hate you. sooooooo weird. i woke up and my heart was beating really hard.

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**or you forgot to go to the bathroom :stuck_out_tongue: **

dammit, i wet my bed again. so that was the smell…:!:

For example I had this dream that I had to pee real bad, but everywhere I went the bathroom was occupied or locked, finally I find one and it is open and good, except it has one problem there was lobsters in the urinals, and I was afraid that they would snip my wang off. So then I woke up and relieved myself.

Ewww :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hahahah. remember the dream where you had the austin power chest, all hairy and stuff. hahahah

Haha ‘wang’!!! :beam:

  • Soul :s: