
i dont sleep and dont day dream either :stuck_out_tongue:

i usualy dream about: random stupid stuff or sex.

i usally dream about random stuff. some times really scary dreams, or something with me running down the street and slowly taking off into the air and flying.

The weird thing is, when i have a scary dream, i know when to wake up. i could never do it before, but now i can wake my self up.

Some times i sleep walk, i almost walked out the door in my boxers! :stuck_out_tongue:

i also sometimes tell my brother to shut up when im in dead sleep.

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
** No one can die in his own dream, thatā€™s just not possible. I donā€™t know why, but itā€™s a fact. **

Sorry, but thatā€™s not true. I have died many times in my dreams.

*Originally posted by Soul *
Has anyone ever had a dream about kirupaforum? Hehe! Or any member? :thumb:

I have, Soul. I had a dream once that I was helping Russian Beer write VRML through PMs. It was really pissing me off cuz I couldnā€™t get the code right. And one time I had a super dirty dream about someoneā€¦ on hereā€¦ they know who they are. :wink:

Most of my dreams are lucid. That means that your conciousness recognizes that you are dreaming. There are many levels of lucidity, from vaguely being aware of your concious existance, to full recognition and ultimate control. I have a lot of control which can be quite the experience. But some elements in dreams can not be controlled; these are elements from the collective consciousness. Reoccuring characters can be an external force or an internal, but with me they are usually external.

Modern culture unfortunately doenā€™t hold much validity in dreaming, and dreaming is virtually a lost art. But there still exists a tribe in Malaysia called the Senoi that bases their society on dreams. They are very family oriented, and live in community longhouses, with each family having its own section. Breakfast consits of a dicussion of the nightā€™s dreams, and the people base their community activities on such. Morning chores are done, and the bulk of the day is spent in the celebration of life and the preparation of decorations and costumes for festivals and stuff. They are extremely healthy, and never fight, amongst themselves or with others. They are surrounded by war-like cultures, but exist in a utopian peace because the other tribes fear that they are magical and supernatural because of their health and serenity. Although the basis of their society is not practical for our modern lifestyle, much can be learned from their approach. They belive in confronting your fears and obstacles in dreams, and since most of the bad things in our dreams come from within, when we confront them we can learn a lot about ourselves and grow from that.

I have one reoccurring dream that bugs me the heck out and I have not been able to interpret or bring myself to face it. Basically, I am trying to get away from something. I am seeking refuge in a room with a door, but when I try and close the door, it is about 1-2 inches too short for the frame (width-wise), so it will not close. Sometimes I can stretch the door manually, and get it to close, but usuallly I canā€™t and whatever I am runnign from seeps through the door and envelopes me in darknessā€¦

my mother was big into dreaming, sleep cylces, etc.

I, myself dream lucidly most times I remember my dreams. I rarely remember the entire recurring dream. Just for weeks at a time sometimes my dreams will ā€œdegradeā€ into a certain focal point. It could be a metallic square at a certain angle pared with a certain sound, that will just give me the chills. Then they go awayā€¦ I still get weird feeling when I will see something in real life (Iā€™m assuming this is real life) that keys that same response, and that image will appear in my mind for a split second.

Luckily, while I worked as a retail manager (in order to stop dreaming about work), I taught myself how to wake myself up if I dreamt about work. It became habit, and I use the same kind of technique to get out of all kinds of situations. It rarely fails.

Itā€™s even more fun(gus) when done ritually, or in groupsā€¦


hehe, fungus. Has anyone ever seen Waking Life? If you are interested in dreams, awesome animations, or even just funky trips, itā€™s a good film to check out. Your bit about dreaming about work reminded me of it reverend. When I started a managing job a few years back, they were working me so hard that I dreamt about work all night too for about a month. It was quite hard to break that one. Usually in dreams I am wearing what I wore to bed, unless I change my clothes in the dream, so I just slept in the buff, and that killed my inclinations to work in my sleep. It certainly was a good ā€œhellO YOU are DREAMingā€ call. hehe.

I love it when I invent new people and animals. Tho, it was tough to stop dreaming that my mom and her mom were still around, and going on trips with me. They started about a year after they passed away. Lasted for monthsā€¦ kinda freaky. I knew in my dream they werenā€™t real, but I played along anywayā€¦

I feel much better nowā€¦


have you ever met a gazorp? iā€™m going to bed soon, so iā€™ll try to dream up one and send it your way. a gazorp is a big lumbering hippo/dragon that eats everything. they are really freindly, but really lazy. so you have to tempt it with stuff to wake it up. but then they are fun to ride.

no, I havenā€™tā€¦

most animals I invent are small, cute and cudleyā€¦ unlike my cat, Stanā€¦ large, fat, and not cudley at allā€¦ except when itā€™s his ideaā€¦


Last night I dreamed that I was playing football for Englandā€¦ This was very strange. Sven was there, everything. Although we seemed to be playing in a park. :smirk:

I think Iā€™m losing it. :slight_smile:

(And Iā€™ve also had a dream about someone on here too, and they also know who they are. :slight_smile: )

*Originally posted by golgi *
**I have one reoccurring dream that bugs me the heck out and I have not been able to interpret or bring myself to face it. Basically, I am trying to get away from something. I am seeking refuge in a room with a door, but when I try and close the door, it is about 1-2 inches too short for the frame (width-wise), so it will not close. Sometimes I can stretch the door manually, and get it to close, but usuallly I canā€™t and whatever I am runnign from seeps through the door and envelopes me in darknessā€¦ **


The thing you are trying to get away from (whatever it is) is some sort of problem you are having (probably emotional as you donā€™t seem to give it any particular form). The fact you are seeking refuge IN a room instead of escaping a room shows that you are seeking solace and your own personal space, perhaps trying to escape from the world outside. The thing seeping through the door and covering you in darkness and the fact you keep dreaming this shows that you see it as inevitable.

As for the door not shutting, that could be a number of things. Maybe the door represents some sort of emotional barrier you have built, but you see it as being built wrong. Or maybe you actually WANT this thing to get you.
Somtimes you can stretch the door, so this shows that sometimes you feel you have the strength to deal with whatever problem is, and sometimes you feel you cant.

ā€¦or maybe im talking crap and i read too much into things. :slight_smile:

olly, what a wonderful interpretation!
my hero :love:

ok. so. i had horrible, no good, very bad dreams last night. unfortunately my brain has blocked them out already but they have left me with one of those horrible empty queasy feelingsā€¦ ya know what i mean? one of those feelings that can only be fixed by lots of hugs or chocolate ice cream. ā€¦running to the storeā€¦

heh, i try. I like hearing other peoples dreams. It helps me understand mine.

gives lots of hugs and ice cream to Golgi

*Originally posted by golgi *
Sorry, but thatā€™s not true. I have died many times in my dreams.

Thatā€™s almost impossible. I read a lot of stuff about this, it is actually not possible. Now, Iā€™m not saying youā€™re making this stuff up :slight_smile: but what happens afterwards? So, youā€™re dreaming lalala and suddenly bam, you die. And then what?

its happened to me, whenever i dream i die, i wake up from the shock! Although i suppose that nothing else happens in the dream, if thats what you are trying to get kajinku.

Yes, almost. :slight_smile: Just when the bullet is going to hit you, just when you are about to fall (sometimes even with the picture of yourself falling), you wake up in shock. In the dream you can never see yourself hit by the bullet, or you can never see yourself splash on the bottom of the well. Usually people think they saw themselves dying because your brain ā€œstichesā€ (sp?) the obvious ending to it, but you already woke up by then. You can see other people die in your dreams though.

Thereā€™s a small exceptionā€¦ people can see themselves being dead in a dream, like a ghost looking at its body. But thereā€™s never a cause to the death in this case.

I hope this is clear enoughā€¦ my English isnā€™t working to well today. :crazy:

Yeah, i know what you mean. I have seen myself die once, but it was like watching someone else die - I didnā€™t feel any pain. Almost as if i was a ghost watching it.
Dreams like that shock you, but theyā€™re ok because you wake up and you KNOW you are still ok and it was a bad dream.

The worst dreams are when you imagine somthing bad happening,nothing really bad, but somthing that will worry you for the rest of the day.

*Originally posted by TheOrangeOne *
**Yeah, i know what you mean. I have seen myself die once, but it was like watching someone else die - I didnā€™t feel any pain. Almost as if i was a ghost watching it. **

Did you see yourself actually die or were you already dead?

ā€¦ one, two freddyā€™s gonna come for you ;), good thing you donā€™t die in your dream cuz in the movie that was bad =)

intresting topic but i donā€™t have much to say in it since i usually donā€™t remember my dreams. Sometimes there is one that really pops out most of the time because itā€™s so spooky i wake up in the middle of it.

Like this one time i was walking around n the town i live in. everybody i know lived there (reall strange since some ppl i know live quite far away).

i was just walking down the street with some friends when there when the power went off. Everything was pitch black. and then there was an alien invasion. big lit up ships hovering over the city. We tried to run but every one had turned into an alien alreadyā€¦ yeah i know it sounds like the average hollywood b-movie but it was quite a creepy experience ;). Especially the feeling that you are the only one left alone on earth, and there isnā€™t a sound around you. (lol yeah i dream in color and thx sound :wink: )

freakiest thing bout some dreams is waking up in the middle of em and not knowing you dreamt it or if itā€™s real