
A lot of interesting dreams you all have :slight_smile: I donā€™t usually remember most of my dreams, but here are the top 5 wierdest dreams that I recall being in:

  1. Dressed up like Link from Zelda and running around with a sword slashing strange plant things; some of those plants were the very same ones my parents requested me to help plant earlier that day.

  2. Instead of me throwing small ping-pong balls at my cat to chase around the floor, I was chasing the ping-pong balls while my cat watched over me and laughed - that was a long time ago.

  3. Entering into a huge Matrix-like building with a lot of people and a few minutes later finding myself in some upper-level floor with everyone outside on the ground while I was all alone up there. I could fly though, so I flew down :slight_smile:

I guess I only have three that I actually rememberā€¦

Kirupa :ub:

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**Did you see yourself actually die or were you already dead? **

saw myself die, but it was like watching someone else in my body. kinda hard to explain i guess. Was a while ago anyway.

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**Thatā€™s almost impossible. I read a lot of stuff about this, it is actually not possible. Now, Iā€™m not saying youā€™re making this stuff up :slight_smile: but what happens afterwards? So, youā€™re dreaming lalala and suddenly bam, you die. And then what? **

lol. ok, this isnā€™t directed at you kajinku, so please please donā€™t think it is, but i know what those scientists think too, and it makes me RILED UP that they think they can determine what my brain can and can not do. iā€™ve reserched dreams and brains and all that juicy stuff, and i am well aware that the common opinion is that itā€™s not possible. but lets look objectively at the human brain. how much DONā€™T we know about it compared to how much we DO. youā€™ll see that we know hardly anything, when looking at the whole picture. basically, i know what science says, and i also know that science is dead wrong on this one.

here is a light sampling of my death experiences:

*one time i was on top of a building, and the world was blowing up, and there was this huge mushrooming ball of fire ripping across the world getting closer and closer. i just looked at it, cuz what else could i do? hehe. anywhoo, the fire finally reached me, and my entire body exploded/incineerated simultaneously. at that moment, i could feel the sensations of becomign particles and blowing off into different directions, and after that my dream consiousness floated a bit above and saw the fire, and the ruin, and some more stuff happened, but thatā€™s not the interesting part

*one time i got into this fight with someone and they were trying to kill me and i was tryign to defend myself. but they had those big long finger blades, like whats his name from that cartoon, so he was winning. anyway. he won. he cut me up across my arms and chest, and yes, it hurt. then finally he sliced my throat open and left me to die. in the dream i was in excruciating pain and also i was suffocating and choking on my blood. soon i died. everythign went black and just stopped.

*another time i was in a hospital. it was filling with water, and i was drowning. eventually i died. that one was interesting cuz i really was in a hospital, and i really did die at that moment in real life. but then i came back to life. (cuz i couldnt leave kirupaā€¦ hehe)

*lots of other assorted encounters with evil things, wild animals, accidents, old age, all sorts of ways death occurs. sometimes things just stop. somtimes after a bit my dream consiousness will rise out of my body and move on to do other stuff. sometimes my consiousness will leave my body before i die and i will see myself die like orangeā€™s. one time my consiousness actually went further inside my body,a nd i watched myself die from the inside out; saw all the cells dying and stuff.

oh well. there ya go. :beam:

p.s. thanks orangeone :wink:

*Originally posted by kirupa *

  1. Instead of me throwing small ping-pong balls at my cat to chase around the floor, I was chasing the ping-pong balls while my cat watched over me and laughed - that was a long time ago.

hehheheheeā€¦ omg kirupa this is is absolutely hysterical! i wish i would have a dream like that (im a ravingly mad cat person)

*Originally posted by golgi *
**it makes me RILED UP that they think they can determine what my brain can and can not do. iā€™ve reserched dreams and brains and all that juicy stuff, and i am well aware that the common opinion is that itā€™s not possible. but lets look objectively at the human brain. how much DONā€™T we know about it compared to how much we DO. **

I am so with you on this one. Thats why I will not ever go back to a shrink. It can do nothing more than screw you up worse to have them clumsily kicking around your head.

BTWā€¦I certainly dont believe you can physically die from dying in your dreamā€¦I as golgo would be dead many times over if that was the case.

hehehe, fester, maybe itā€™s just a bostonian thing :wink:
ā€¦ we bostoniansā€¦ the invincible force

It is reassuring to no there is more weird people then you out there.

i sat here and found out of the all the posts Kitā€™s the funnist. a snowshaker:sigh:

dam girlā€¦ what were you smoking?:smirk:

I just have intensely surreal dreams! :blush:

I honestly have no idea what was going on with that one, or whatā€™s weirdest. Going into Clintons to become invisible or the guy turning himself into a snowshakerā€¦ :sure:

The whole alien thing kind of became a background story in the end. :slight_smile: Maybe Iā€™d had a little too much caffiene that day? :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Maybe Iā€™d had a little too much caffiene that day? :slight_smile: **

certainly sounds like it!

cafiƫne hmmm probly not, else it would be difficult to sleep i think :wink:

Golgi, Iā€™m no scientist or something, and believe what you wrote. I just wrote what I read and heard before. :slight_smile: Itā€™s true that we donā€™t know much about the human brain.
Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your dreamsā€¦ if thatā€™s a correct word for them. Pardon me, but they are very f****d up! :wink:

*Originally posted by golgi *
***another time i was in a hospital. it was filling with water, and i was drowning. eventually i died. that one was interesting cuz i really was in a hospital, and i really did die at that moment in real life. but then i came back to life. (cuz i couldnt leave kirupaā€¦ hehe)

Wha-what?! Did you have a BDE (thatā€™s how we call it over here)?! That might explain why you actually can see yourself die in your dreams. Again, scientists are convinced that after such a BDE experience (*), the person is not afraid of death anymore, which can createā€¦ wellā€¦ your dreams.

You have an intresting brain there. :wink:

(*) BDE, in Dutch = Bijna Dood Ervaring.
Translated in English: Almost Dead Experience.

*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**Golgi, Iā€™m no scientist or something, and believe what you wrote. I just wrote what I read and heard before. :slight_smile: **

yah, i know :beam: weā€™re cool, i just had to blow off steam at some scientists in my little rant. my whole life theyā€™ve been trying to tell me that science says this, and science says that, and lots of things i know to be true arenā€™t real or are just illusion because they arenā€™t physically possibleā€¦
no one knows my body like i do. and it gets my goose broiling that modern ā€œeduamcatedā€ scientists think they have the right to say they know more about me then meā€¦
i could spew off some more examples, but i think this dream bit is sufficientā€¦ lolā€¦ kirupaland doesnā€™t need to know that much about me.

ok, enough of rant part 2ā€¦ lol :wink:

Pardon me, but they are very f****d up!

oi, thatā€™s just the tip of the iceberg. heheh. i should sell tickets into my head, like, er, ā€œbeing golgi malkovichā€ hehehe. iā€™d make loads.

Wha-what?! Did you have a BDE (thatā€™s how we call it over here)?! That might explain why you actually can see yourself die in your dreams. Again, scientists are convinced that after such a BDE experience (*), the person is not afraid of death anymore, which can createā€¦ wellā€¦ your dreams.

hehe, good thing you translated that for me, cuz i had no clue what you meant. :slight_smile:
yeah, i did have one. after an accident, iā€™ll leave the details out, but i was in the hospital and was pronounced dead. i can only assume thatā€™s when i died in the dream as well. although in a situation like that, you start to wonder about your states of consioucness, and how dependent they are on eachother, and how reality plays into that too. ah, well, that only happened 3 years ago, but iā€™ve been dreaming the death dreams long before that. hrm. thatā€™s interesting, that they say that after you have no fear of death you can have death dreams. perhaps that ā€œdoorā€ simply has to be ā€œunlockedā€ then for a person. verrry interestingā€¦ arching eyebrow

Mmmmā€¦ i bet you have weird-kinky-naughty dreams golgi :love:



*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**Mmmmā€¦ i bet you have weird-kinky-naughty dreams golgi :love: **

nothing wrong with weird-kinky-naughty dreams you south american extravaganza!

(-: (-: (-: (-:

noā€¦nothing wrong at allā€¦

ā€¦specially if it is directed by golgy :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

::points at golgi and sings:::

somebody likes youā€¦somebody likes you


yes, me thinks fes has a crush on you golgi :wink:

i always miss when people are talking about me :frowning:
