The last 2 nights I have had dreams about UFO’s and aliens. The first one wasn’t anything special. Just saw a couple of UFO’s. The second dream though was a bit more interesting. Somehow I had got into what seemed to be a top secret room and there were aliens inside and one of them was friendly to me I only remember parts so it might sound a bit weird when I write it here. I can remember being shown how to be invisible to other people and how to walk through solid objects… uhh that might be all I can remember… there was more I know but I just don’t know how to put it all together.
It was cool. All I had to do was say “invisible” and it did the trick. :beam: I wonder if I will have a 3rd alien related dream tonight.
I don’t know if anyone has posted this question but you know how we have hundreds of dreams a night (maybe?)? Well are the dreams you remember always the last ones you have jusst before waking up?