Hello all. I am Johnny and I am new here. I find it hard to located good help regarding web design since most people just assume you know what they are talking about.
I have a small problem I would like to fix and I am going to try my best to explain it to you.
I have a website I am building. Its a photography portfolio and I have a basic html table based layout.
1 table 950px by 600ish spilt into various rows and cols.
I have another table inside the centre of that which is 900px x 400px. I have a dark bg fill on this.
I have another 900x400 table inside of that with no fill but a 1px cell space which works as a nice thin border around my thumbnails.
That last table is split into 5 rows and 10 cols. These are filled with low res jpg thumbnails with lightbox Js attached to them which displays its larger counterpart. that all works great.
What I want to do now is extend this last table to 10 rows from 5. Making it twice as high as it was before. So its now a 900x800 table. I want this to be considered as overspill and can just be scrolled downwards with no visble scroll bar. So it looks very clean and flush and wont affect the layout of my design.
I know very little about divs and css etc. Im very much a dreamweaver dependant person.
If someone can talk me through what I need to do I would be so thankful you wouldnt believe.
Please help.