Two dreamweaver questions

hello i got another two dreamweaver questions i’m stuck on! i’ms ure you guys could help me answer it :slight_smile: alrite so here it is.

my first question is that you know on some sites (eg., have a template, but the height of this can change. If you check different pages, some are very long (like on site info > sitefaq) and some are pretty short. How would you change or do this? i know you can make a whole new tempalte and change the size but is there a more practical way?

and my second question is that when you want to link pictures, and want them to be enlarged in a new window, do you have to make lots of seperate pages each for a different pic? or can you do it without making lots of seperate pages? thx very much :slight_smile:

for the first question most site are made in table form as u prob know so i imagine u could prob just shorten the height of the whole table i use DW for some site design and thats what I do at the minute and it works ok.

2Nd question. i Aint sure to be honest there could be code to do it in just one new page but i myself just make a new pages for each 1 its easier for me mainly coz i dont know the code lol


i geuss i will have to make new pages for each too then…

and for the first part, would you happen to know how to do it without frames? because i think my template is just made out of slices, and i dont’ know how to make some parts repeat. thx :slight_smile:

For your table scaling you. The areas which will scale you will have to put the image in that cell as a background image. When that area scales it will automatically tile to give the impression of a full image. And do not set a height to the table for as you add data it will scale witht he data. You have to be real careful when planning your slicing. To ensure smooth tiling. the thumbnail thing can be done very easily with like asp. BY passing an id to a new page by way of the query string the new page reqesting the query string. The id passed will point to a url of an image then do a response.write of that. And there you have it multiple images one page. I am buried in projects right now so I do not have time to put together a ASP solution for you but it is very simple. Go here for a tut on it.

and my second question is that when you want to link pictures, and want them to be enlarged in a new window, do you have to make lots of seperate pages each for a different pic? or can you do it without making lots of seperate pages?

If you want a bigger image to pop up just click on the thumbnail set the link in the properties bar to the big image and target as _blank =)

If you do it that way the user could end up with several pop up windows open. Unless you use javascript to reopen in the window name if it is already open…but then if they have javascript disabled…

I usually target _new for that situation, just with the image location.

Then every image opens in the same window, and if they have IE6, it will scale the image to their default window size. If not, the image will appear with scroll bars…


cool thx for the replies everyone i’ll test it out and see how it goes thx again!

hmm i’ve just tried making it as a background image as 3diva said, and i read the dreamweaver help thing and it said something about a css style sheet. i tested that and it didn’t seem to work for me. Is this right? or is there another way to make the image a background image? thx!

what exactly are you trying to do?? In DW it is easy you can g to modify>>>Page properties>>>then select your bg image.

Or you can use css:

     background-image:  url(yourimage.jpg);
     background-repeat : repeat-y;

The background repeat will control the tiling x or y or no repeat.

If those do not work you need to check your path.

alrite i’ll try to make myself more clear. on some sites with templates (eg., they have the same template on each page, except the height on each is different depending on how much content they want in each one.

and so on my template, i have an editable region, and when i press enter (so i can keep adding content), i want the stuff on the side (where the navigation stuff go), to stretch itself. But the problem i am getting now, is that it doens’t stretch, the navigation thing just moves down; leaving a blank space at the top. i hope that was much more clear, hope you could solve my problem. thx :slight_smile: