Dreamweaver Browser Compatibility Glitches


I’m working on a very important web page for a comic book artist, and he had given me a lot of info to place on a limited layout. So on three pages (Home, Commissions, and Biography) I had initially inserted Iframes. Afterwards, I previewed all the pages on Mozilla and IE, and both looked perfect. So then I hosted it. About 2 hours later, I checked the site on Firefox, and the layout was off on ALL the pages! If you look at the portfolio icons, they are not aligned with the rest of the icons:


That’s how all the pages look, even the store page which is under construction.


So immediately, I took off the iframes and replaced it with <div>'s. The problem is still there. I’m hoping that this isn’t a slicing issue, because I didn’t have this problem until after I installed the layers on the images.

I still check the layouts on preview, and they still look fine…even with the layers…

It’s just weird…and the site on IE is great. It’s Firefox and Netscape that are worrying me.

Any help is GREATLY appreciated.