IE vs FF and Dreamweaver!

I’ve had a search around and it seems i’m not the first person to run into layout problems with html in ff and ie. I’ve used tables and got some funny results, see attatchments. Firefox works fine but explorer makes it go all squiffy. The thing is, i’ve designed it in dreamweaver and it looks identical in the design mode to my firefox results. Dreamweaver has displayed html 95% the same as ie for as long as ive used it and any difference is small so I dont get it. It seems to me that IE is just having a tantrum. Any insights would be great, thanks in advance.

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    <td width="170" height="340" background="winesml.jpg" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
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          <td width="472">
<div align="right"> 
              <p><font size="6" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">...welcome</font></p>
              <p> <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">The Rose 
                and Crown offers a little something for everyone. The pub, originally 
                built in the 18th century sets the mood whether it's an intimate 
                conversation with no distractions, or if you want to soak up the 
                atmosphere of the night. It's entirely up to you! We offer a cosy 
                place to stay and get home cooked food, and if it's a drink you're 
                after we have a super selection of real ales and a variety of 
                quality wines from around the world. We encourage a warm and friendly 
                atmosphere with an excellent standard of service from our experienced 
                staff, also boasting a large beer garden in an idyllic setting 
                for those summer evenings.</font></p>
              </div></td><td width="22"></td></tr>

