Dreamweaver help

im designing my site in flash and putting it into dreamweaver but im new to dreamweaver so ive come to a problem, im defining my site before i start so heres my questions
a. do i have to define it and why
b. because im using flash content what do i choose when i have to select the server technology

im really stuck on this so thanks in advance

2. n/a

thanks i know my question is a bit vague but i dont understand much about dreamweaver

dreamweaver is the best html app out there if you ask me, FP generates faulty codes if you have problems with dreamweaver let me knwo ill try and help you out just be a littel more specific as to what you want to do so itll be easier to help :wink:

cheers grimdeath i’ll try to explain it more, when youre working in dreamweaver mx you have to define youre site i think its something to do with keeping all your files in one folder so when youre defining it you are asked what server technology do you want to use (you can select none also) e.g coldfusion, asp.net, asp, jsp or php so i dont know what any of these are but if im using just flash and html content do i have to select one of these?

nah you don’t have to…

You don’t have to define a site…

Anyway, if you have defined one you’l see that flash is not listed, so you can select none… or something else if you use it.

none = No, I do not want to use a server technology

I think you should select that if you just want to use HTMl and Flash
