hey fellas im jsut asking as to what sort of dreamweaver tutorials you guys would like to see since me and some other fellow kirupians are familiar with DW we can make a the tutorials but we just would like to know what sort of tutorial would you guys like to see in the future regarding DW, i want to make a tutorial but i really have no idea where to start im going to try and make a tables tutorial (if i get some time) so till then jsut post here what kind of DW tutorials you would like to see so we can get to work :beam:
Make one on ColdFusion and Dreamweaver interaction! Yeah baby!
ok i did say DW not coldfusion my russian friend i think you got carried away there rotflmao
Yeah, but like the Coldfusion features IN DW … skeleton buddy , LOL
ya me 2 i jsut dont know how to use the blasted app i bought a coldfusion dreamweaver book which i havent even looked at since i thought i could make databases with coldfusion and to my surprise its jsut a program that lets you link databases and integrates seamlessly with dreamweaver or that is what i ahve understood so far, i need to learn how to make a database first and then maybe i could use coldfusion :-\
Okay Okay! I got it!
Make a CSS borders or something… like whole site…layot with CSS
im not too great with css so i wouldnt dare make a css tut sorry :-\
Okay, how about you tape the DW sign to your back… and make a tut how to preform a DW Dance… which is basicaly dancing… but with DW sign drawn on your back…
Okay serously… umm make one… with tables or something… seems people have alot of problems with em…
A css tut would be freakin awesome… but hmm… lemme see
Oh, make a tute about using the ftp features in dreamweaver… cuz they confuse me
im gonna definitely try to make the tables tutorial as for the ftp one ill see what i can do but i really want to make the tables tut i just need to get some free time man :-\
its no big deal… just tryin to help you think of ideas
have fun
np thats what this post was supposed to be
I’d love to see a ‘tut’ on how to create Flash buttons INSIDE DW and, how to get them to work/link to my other DW pages!@!!! AAAAAHH!!!
Check this out for some tutorials.