Drive In

This seemed like a really good idea to me, and since nobody else is doing it (I think) I thought I might as well give it a shot. Here is the .gif file, everything is on seperate layers in the .psd so i can make changes, so please give me suggestions. I plan on adding something to the screen, putting in a projector, adding lines for parking spots, and adding a few cars. I just wanted to see what people thought of the idea and then base the plot on their opinions. Also it seems like a lot of people are getting more detail into their plots then I am. I might be imagining it, but if I am not could someone please tell me how I could do this?

Big changes here, I added a movie to the screen, a projector in the back, made the snack bar smaller, made the entrance one-way, made the spaces larger (by decreasing number of spaces across-this also made some room in front of the snack bar), and sort of took out the car. The “sort of” is because the car is now the car in the movie. I also made the parking lines darker.

Now that the entrance is 1-way only I need a new place for the exit. I was thinking in the corner all the way in the left, so cars could just pull straight out of the drive in. Any suggestions would be appreciated (as well as any for other parts).

Also, are there any tutorials on doing isometric writing? It has nothing to do with this specifically, I just want to know.

i don’t know any tutorials on this but what I do it:

  1. get a pixel font
  2. write what you want
  3. skew it until it’s at the right degree

Change up the colors on the flick. When it matches with the whole image it looks sort of too blendish. Make the movie brown or blue or something. Nice projector. One thing I’d like to see is the yellow park lines white, just to see the difference.

Good job anyways =).