Driving Game Inaccurate Hit Test

I have this experiment with a Jeep in a small drivable area with a garage thing.

What I wish to happen is that the hit test for the Jeep to be more accurate so when you are inside the garage the front or the rear of the **** jeep doesn’t stick out half a mile or when you hit the edge wall it doesn’t act off the **** centre/registration point.

I set up a hit-test test but with a square symbol and when you hit it, it is accurate because it doesn’t use the jeeps centre/registration point why can’t I implement this on the jeep or can I, If so How? - Look at the .fla with the white squares.

And also how would I implement it so that if the area was slightly bigger the background would move around the jeep. Like an art based rpg not tile based, or should I use tile because it is easier?

I hope somebody can help my woes, I hope I have explained them, if not look at the .fla and look how the jeep acts with the boundary and the white square how come one is accurate and the other one isn’t.

you should do it with math instead of hitTest

And in English that would mean doing what to which code where?

Never mind I searched on flashkit’s forums and find a nice piece written by the orsome Senocular.
