Driving in India

What in the world was that rant about?

About how good Indian drivers are :smiley:

the crashing part in regard to the video

Oh yes we are! :thumb:

Yep. He has a license :stuck_out_tongue: My cousin came to America and has rented cars, used his manager’s cars, and is currently in the market for a new car. He’s looking at a Toyota Avalon. He’s most likely purchasing tommorow.

edit:/ By the way, you might want to know that he didn’t just use his license, he got training in India for 2 weeks or so on driving on the right side of the road. He then obtained an int’l drivers license that’s good anywhere in the world.

Isn’t driving in another county the same thing just opposite? or are the signs different?

In India, almost all cars are right-hand drives, the right lane is the fast lane and the slow lane is the left one.

I’ve always wondered, just how do you guys shift gears with your right hand. :stuck_out_tongue:

Over here, fast lane is left, slow lane is right. Right’s the slow lane because all the exits are (normally) on the right.

That’s both hilarious and genius at the same time.

That would be wierd to shift with your left hand… in america the left hand is completely useless (except for gaming and stuff) they sort of make people adapt.

…forgot some cars most cars are automatic, yea then it doesnt matter.

lanes? whatchu talkin’ bout? there are no lanes, you just drive anyway you want to… :wink:

my dad had intl’ license, but he had to take driving and written tests in the US? i wonder why…

no boy, you are living in which world?
I m talking of real traffic too. Bangalore is the most developed and a cosmopolitian city in India

Yea right! The only two good things about Bangalore are the number of metalheads there and the only advanced/advanced-traffic people there are your mechanical engineers with all their modded cars and bikes. But even those would qualify as uber geeks when it comes to enjoying life. So, you’re left with one good thing: metalheads :stuck_out_tongue:

Aaah… J/K… No offense (although I can’t stop laughing at bangalore-waasi’s :P)

Remember? Delhi is the city that never sleeps and is known for it’s wining and dining? We beat Mumbai in the night culture long back and continue till date :thumb:

woooa… we look like that from top? :slight_smile: amazing video… there is a very good natural intelligence network there :slight_smile:

Amazign… I drive like that only :stuck_out_tongue:


:lol: dude do u even know what Bangalore is al about?!!

Wel Last year Bangalore beat al the major metropolitan cities outright

Entertainment: Bangalore #1 (most number of pubs and lounges)
Weather: Bangalore #1 (the best climate in whole of INDIA)
Clean City: Bangalore #1 (Cleanest of all again)

and many more I don’t remember now.

“Don’t Get Bangalored” must’ve heard that!!

All the northies or should I say almost whole of India come down here, why more job oppotunities, better living, nice place, nice weather n it rocks here.

Now you know why the traffic in Bangalore is too much. Well its a lot more in control now.

And rest you’ve already mentioned in your post about Metalhead n Bikes n Cars… ya we’ve got loads of them. :beer:

Bangalore has got style man!! :cool:

Style? Agreed. The only reason I like Bangalore.

The rest is all your ingad-pingad-poo! :lol:

Don’t get fired up… Ya’ll know I’m just yankin yer chain! :stuck_out_tongue:

And dude, only people seeking jobs in management go down there. And when they’re done with it all, they fly off! Sheesh. Just cuz we cool guys came down there to chill out in a new place (which eventually populated it so much) you guys got over your heads! :lol:

I once saw a dude from Bangalore drinkin beer with a straw! That too from a Kingfisher can! Cool! Very cool I must say! :stuck_out_tongue:

Jokes apart, Bangalore is a very nice place! :thumb:

lol, cool video. Just proves that people in India don’t need to be told how to drive :stuck_out_tongue:

Try and tell us how to drive and you’re dead meat! :stuck_out_tongue:

please stop fighting…:x

Who’s fighting? You pixelated C++ lover!!! :lol: