This sucks

I was just sittin here, minding my own business and then all of a sudden my brain had to interupt my happy state of boredom. I(my evil brain) just realized I have to wake up at about 7:30 tomorrow so I can take this stupid 5 hour driving course so that I can get my liscence. The good news is that it is about 3:10 here. Ok, I lied, that’s bad news. My body is used to 12+ hours of sleep. I am going to be a wreck tomorrow. Oh well, at least the class isn’t important.

Wow, it sucks to be you right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

harhar - im happy to be me today. :trout:

scarry thought==sleep (schlep?) thru driving class, still get license :!:


:wink: jk Josh … I’m sure you’ll be an excellent driver

well I’m actually up to my great surprise, but my friend that was going to take me seems to still be asleep.

So that means that I would have to walk like 4 miles to a place I’ve never been and that’s never gonna happen.


I’m happy to be happy

Dang it, Dang it all to Aych Ee Double Hockey Sticks.

He woke up… grr-er

Dude, just go :stuck_out_tongue: Driving is cool

let us know if u pass dude i really shud get lessons sorted

or you can werk in the driving school doing other things, get a hook up and pay the guy 35 to take the test quick and break out in like 10 minutes lol

i did that 2wce, i let the 1st one xpire lol

The class was so stupid. I got a 96 on the exam at the end. So now it’s time to schedule my road test.

My road test is the 8th :beam: :beam: :beam:

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**…My body is used to 12+ hours of sleep. I am going to be a wreck tomorrow. **

My god - do you know what I would give for 12 hours of sleep… just once! Dont you feel like your waisting your day? I mean at this rate - over half of your life will be just sleep alone - that’s crazy!!!

I know sure. I did that one summer, I’d go to sleep at 12, then wake up at noon. After about a month of feeling like i’d done absolutely nothing, I stopped sleeping so long and would get up at 7 or 8.

BTW, where do you live 28? I didn’t think any of the states required you to take a driving school type thing before you could get your license.

California does (if’n yer not 18 yet) …

Sureshot - I love sleep more than anything, so I feel like I’m making something out of my life:beam:
Nali - I live in New York. I had to take the thing because I didn’t take drivers ed or anything. So it’s not that bad.

are yu talking bout the 5hr class certificate???


But sleep is boring, also could be doing something creative with the time.

I read that it isn’t good for the body to get more then 8 hours of sleep.

Margaret Thatcher sleeps for only 4 hours a day, and has power naps during the day.

I probably sleep about 7 hours on average… with those days of no sleep when projects are due.

xxviii, did you get 96 out of 100 (If so that’s great!)? Is it like a theory test or something? When’s your road test? Hope it goes well!

during the summer, i usually go to sleep around 2-2:30, and get up around noon or so. during the school year, i only get around 6 hours, cause i go to bed around 1 and get up at 7. hurray for sleep!!