Hi, I am using a drop down menu that I built based upon a tute very similar to the kirupa one. I have 2 problems so far.
The first is that when I click a button nothing happens.
The 2nd problem is that because my menu items are position just 1 px apart, sometimes the submenus do not close if you move the mouse quickly.
With the submenu buttons not working, I am trying to call an external swf, however have also tried a simple go to frame senario, however neither of them work. I tried a ‘geturl’ command however, and that surprisingly worked.
My menu is vertical and has the submenu items come out to the side. They are all spaced 1px apart, however if you move the mouse too quickly between main menu items, the previous sub menu stays open (as the mouse hasnt rolled over the invisible rolloff area).
Is there a way to get around this if you have your menu’s close together? Having them spaced by 10pixels simply just isnt good enough.
Heres a link to my website to show you whats going on with the menu: