Drop Down Menu

I’ve searching everywhere for websites that have tutorials on Javascript drop down menus similar to this…


when the user rolls over on Products a nice little menu drops down with system text. Does any one know a tutorial or how to do this?


this is sorta something like that link, all it needs is a little customizing. i will keep looking for you:)

This really belongs in the Flash forums…

i think it would be better in server side or front page/dreamweaver.

the menu its self is not flash:)

matty, next time post this in Serverside

sorry guys…you’re right I should’ve posted this in server side!!!

my apologies :wink:

My bad, I’ll move to Server Side. :slight_smile:

well i think that is DHTML and not javascript. you can use Dreamweaver, there is a show hide layers function you can use, or if your not familiar with DW, do a search for DHTML menus.

you posted 2 seperate threads on this

DHTML is just a fancy name for using javascript in combination with css and layers.

*Originally posted by abzoid *
**DHTML is just a fancy name for using javascript in combination with css and layers. **


the old fart is right…

just a fancy name for JS, CSS and Layers in combo…


funny how that works…



*Originally posted by abzoid *
**DHTML is just a fancy name for using javascript in combination with css and layers. **


AND, if you’re using Fireworks MX or Dreamweaver MX there is a built in tool for making single or multi-level DHTML drop down menus. No scripting knowledge required.