Drop shadowed picture on tiled background


Need a little bit of help here…
I just cant seem to figure this out… :puzzle:

I gave this picture a dropshadow in photoshop using the blending options.
Deleted its background. It now has a transparent background.

I have an html page with a tiled pattern background.

How should i export the picture from photoshop so that when i put it in the page using <IMG SRC="">, the dropshadow would cast on the tiled background?

Hope you get my point…
Thanks in advance

Anybody? :diss:

You’d need to use PNGs with support alpha transparence, but browser support is sketchy and can end up making things worse. :frowning:

Tried PNG but doesnt work well.
All i get are black and white boxes.

So, i guess theres no way to achieve this?..
HOpe not…

skyo sucks monkey balls!