
I have 4 dropbox invites left. Who wants them?

First 4 to say “Me me me me me me me.” in this thread gets them. (I’ll be verifying emails first)

Looks interesting

Me me me me me me me :slight_smile:

digitalosophy [@] gmail dot com

Oh, that sounds cool.

Me me me me me me me too!

erikhallander a-t gmail.com

Got a link? I’d like to see more on what it’s about before I decide to be opportunistic.

Me me me me me me me.

joshuajenkins.com ATLKJGLKSDJL gmail LSDJFIOSGJL com

Me me me me me me me.

Do I win? harish mightbeat dotlall redudantdot com

Me me me me me me me

nobody touches boyscouts, choose me instead.

david $#@ designsbyrema @##!@# com

I plan do up a tutorial on how to set up this service on your own server. I won’t be able to set up syncing between computers, but make it so you drop an item in a folder and it uploads, also its gonna be OSX only.

This looks like fun, februarystars.3265 [afdhofjd] gmail [aafghjadlkfgjdf] com
if you haven’t already given them all away :smiley:

[QUOTE=Syous;2331886]nobody touches boyscouts, choose me instead.

david $#@ designsbyrema @##!@# com[/QUOTE]

Very rarely.

Poor form man!

Ok I have 10 invites, left. And my buddy has like 9 left. PM me if you want one.

I have 8 PM me for one :slight_smile:

I have 0 give me one :lol:

Sent to galactic_overlord [AAAATTTT] february-stars.com

Anyone want to hook me up?

erichuang [at] thinkpoint.org

Muchas Gracias.

Sorry I took so long. Dealing with some urgent matters today :confused:

Anyhow, I sent all of you that replied quick enough verification emails. Reply to those and I’ll drop the invite your way. However, hl, I can’t read your email address lol…PM with the address in a readable format and I’ll send it your way. Otherwise it goes to the desperate guy below you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aw I didn’t get any love :frowning:


vexir |at| vexiron |dot| |com|