I have a script which loads external swf’s from my combo box, I am using
myDataTable = new Array(“adr”, “aez”, “alessio”, “amg”, “antera”, “arospeed”, “atp”, “azev”, “bk racing”, “breyton”, “chromes”, “carlsson”, “dare”, “dezent”, “dj”, “dotz racing”, “bsa”, “fox”, “hartge”, “kahn”, “kn wheels”, “konig”, “league”, “limited”, “mangles”, “mb italia”, “miglia”, “mvr”, “niche”, “oxigin”, “oz”, “polo”, “replica”, “rondell”, “player wire”, “specialist”, “tekno”, “toora”);
function myHandler() {
container.loadMovie(wheel_data.getValue()+“.swf”, 2);
to aquire the data however my swf’s must be in the root of the movie to load how do I make it so they load from a folder say wheels
I have tried adding container.loadMovie(wheel_data.getValue()+“wheels/.swf”, 2);
but this didn’t work
can anyone help