OK, Me and RB are both stuck on this one. Our clients want their websites in html, and their header and dropdown menus in flash. Is there anyway to get the menu to dropdown over html like every good menu should? Cuz all I can think of is
A. not having any text or anything in the dropdown area, and just making the menu LOOK like the html bg
B. making the swf transparent, which as we all know, doesn’t work in netscape, cuz netscape sux ActionBalls.
Something inside me is saying there must be a better way. Only. I don’t know it.
well if the content and the flash are going to clash then i don’t believe you can. i was going to say just make your flash movie a class with a different z-index, but that won’t work. you are going to have to design around this problem i would say
you can’t make the Flash movie go outside of the stage…
there will be a space where the drop down will go, that you can’t have HTML …
Try using DHTML drop downs instead…
and BTW - Netscape was the first… IE came in with a <u>ton</u> of security issues… Newer Netscape with the Newest Player will see the transparency, or so I have been told… but it still won’t work on Macs… I think…
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**It does if you code it properly!
well, that’s debateable. i’ve had it not work properly in older versions of opera. maybe it was coded wrong though, i dunno.
in anycase, i think i figured out what i’m going to do. i dunno about russian beer, but then again, his client is an azzhole, who i’m gonna beat up if they give him anymore stress.
but this is my solution, just design around, and have no words overlapping the menu, and match the swf to the html, and then just use the swf as a table bg.
everything in the world should be flash. everything.