I’m looking to learn (in-depth) Drupal for a slew of upcoming projects.
I’ve done dozens of “blog like” sites using Wordpress and love it, but the sites I’m currently developing for clients all scream for a great CMS.
I’ve done one site entirely in Joomla and some Flash, but I find Joomla clunky and awkard to work with…
The sites in my near future would have some of the following functionality and I’d love to hear your opinions.
- Obviously a robust CMS
- Important Dates for certain groups of people updated dynamically
- An RSS feed of a blog associated with the site that displays the avatar of the author/blurb/link to actual blog.
- A Very unique interface design
- AJAX expanding content in places
- 20 or so unique looking pages
- Video player (youtube-ish)
I guess Druapal and Joomla could both accomplish these things, so what software do you see more beneficial in learning, so that my knowledge of it’s inner workings stays relevant in the months/years to come.
I’m great with CSS, AS2, and fairly decent with PHP/mysql