this is a dumb question - but how do you make a link inside a textbox? I have lots of links, and so I want to be able to scroll the textbox, and for some reason I can’t put a link inside it… I’ve been reading the documentation and it doesnt say how to do that - only how to make the whole textbox link somewhere…
render the text as html and use
<a href="">click here</a>
I tried that… but it just showed the whole tag. hmm… I wonder what I did wrong… thanks though.
It only works when adding the text through AS or an external file. If you type the code into the textbox directly it will not work.
myText = "<A HREF='yourFile.html'>click here</A>
myTextBoxInstance.html = true;
myTextBoxInstance.htmlText = myText;
That sets a variable to hold your text
then enabled the textbox as html
then sets the textbox to convert the html of the text.
Keep in mind only text formatting HTML tags work with this.
i was about to tell you about the " [color=red]’[/color] thing
Yeah, I edited it before you though
I was like “why is it blue??.. 'DOH!!!”