Html tags in .txt files?

I’m loading external .txt files into scrolling text boxes and would like to know if I can have html links (urls and email) and html text formatting (bold, italic, etc…) in the .txt files. I tried adding the tags in the .txt files but it didn’t work… Any ideas?

Thanks in advance…


Have you made sure that you have enabled html for your text box in the properties inspector? It’s the little <> button. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I tried that, it didn’t work. If I enter a mailto tag for email for example, I see the tag and not a link.

Thanks for the suggestion though… :smirk:


You have to html enable your text box, and then tell it to read htmlText instead of just text.


yourTextBox.html = true

That sets it to true…


yourTextBox.htmlText = variableNameHere

(that should replace yourTextBox.text = variableNameHere)

Great! That worked… Thanks a lot! :beam:


No problem :slight_smile: