Duplicate an empty MC?

Can this be done… ?
when could you?

thanks for a solution.


Of course it can be done, it is just like duplicating any other movie clip :wink:

But keep in mind your clip will be empty so it won’t do you much good unless you plan on doing something with those clips.

Try this…

_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", -1);
for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
	_root.container.duplicateMovieClip("container"+i, i);
	mc = _root["container"+i];

the problem comes into the drawing within an empty movieclip and copying that (in case thats what you meant). I did an example of a kind of workaround for that… but I think it was at were-here so its lost forever :frowning:

the basic idea, though, was to save the drawing actions within a function and have that function run when you you duplicate a clip. Actually I think I overrided the duplicate prototype and just included in it a check for a ‘creator’ function which was what was associated with a drawn movieclip… if that function existed, it drew the object in the empty clip duplicate so you had a match.

Thanks for the help!!

Actually I would like to populate them with .swf files from an array…

how would I write that;

clipsArray = new Array ();

clipsArray[0] = ???

traced name = example.swf; ???

And then where would it go…


Ermm, I am not sure but that might be CPU intensive.

Untested, but try this…

loadArray = ["clip1.swf", "clip2.swf", "clip3.swf", "clip4.swf"];
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", -1);
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	_root.container.duplicateMovieClip("container"+i, i);
	mc = _root["container"+i];
	mc._x = 25*i;
	mc._y = 35*i;
	trace(mc+": "+mc._x+", "+mc._y);

It duplicates the container, then uses loadMovie on the new clip and pulls which .swf file out of the array according to what “i” equals.

then it positions it on the x coordinates every 25 pixels for each clip and 35 pixels for each clip on the y coordinates.

The trace actions lets you see the x,y coordinates of each clip so you see what I mean by 25 pixels x and 35 pixels y

I have a question… why duplicate empty movieclips when you can just create another one? This will keep the confusion down a little since you are using one method consistently (createEmpty) instead of two (createEmpty and duplicate)

Makes sense.

So you mean like this…?

loadArray = ["clip1.swf", "clip2.swf", "clip3.swf", "clip4.swf"];
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
	_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container"+i, i);
	mc = _root["container"+i];
	mc._x = 25*i;
	mc._y = 35*i;
	trace(mc+": "+mc._x+", "+mc._y);

yep, pretty much… but I dont know if there was a specific reason for wanting to duplicate or not? milestrap?

Well the reason for Duplicating… is to keep byte size to a minimum.

and then of coarse loading seperate .swf later into those empty clips…

hhmm give me some time to put this to use…

thanks you kids rock…:slight_smile:

Well its an empty movie clip, I am pretty sure it won’t effect file size :-\

Keep in mind I am talking about if you are using Flash MX and create empty movie clips dynamically.


before I would load these .swf files into a holder_mc inside duplicated mc already on stage… but then you had no control over the .swf you just loaded. the _parent clip took presidence. ofcourse you couldn’t remove it cause your .swf would dissapear as well. And I couldn’t find work around. So this is why this question came up.

I’ll need more help…don’t go to far! :cowboy:

Refer to previous post :wink: (we posted at the same time)

I have to go now, but I am always around. This is my favorite hangout.