I having two problems and I really don’t know where to read up on to solve this.
This is my basic code:
var myclips = new Array("bill", "ted");
var sel = "MC"+n
for (i=0; i<myclips.length; i++) {
t = this[myclips*];
t.onPress = function() {
_root.sel = this;
MC.onPress = function() {
MC.onRelease = function() {
speed = 2;
speed2 = 10;
_root.sel._x += Key.isDown(76)*speed;
_root.sel._x -= Key.isDown(74)*speed;
_root.sel._y += Key.isDown(75)*speed;
_root.sel._y -= Key.isDown(73)*speed;
And I also have a Next and Prev button that I can’t seem to figure out how to code to get them to go forward and back from the myclip var.
So, basically, what I am trying to do is get a Next and Prev buttons to change the currant MC in the array, then once it’s clicked, the sel var is selected and the MC is duplicated. From there, I am trying to get it to keep duplicating every time the original MC is clicked on.
Any help is good help.