I have two movie clips in the same level : “first” and “second”
"first contains seperate movie clips in seperate levels that contain loaded JPGs. The script inside “first” is as follows:
for (var i = 0; i<_global.image_arr.length; i++)
this.createEmptyMovieClip (“holder”+i, i)
loadMovie (_global.image_arr*, “holder”+i);
I want to duplicate the “holder” movie clips that are inside “first” into “second”.
I have the following script written on a frame in the level where the two movie clips (first and second) are.
I think I wrote it wrong cause it won’t work:
this.first_mc[“holder”+_root.prev_effect].duplicateMovieClip (this.second_mc, “holder”+_root.prev_effect, _root.prev_effect);
Will appriciate some help there.
Is my question SO hard?? I simply want to load pictures to one MC in a certain level and then duplicate the image in another MC in another level.
no its not hard. Its just not possible. Duplicate movieclip only create copies of a movieclip in the same timeline it exists. You’ll have to create another empty movieclip and reload the image
Hey Senocular! thanks for answering
ok so now, I load images into a MC. can i then load internally from that MC into another? I just want to load images into one MC and then move them around to other movie clips and I don’t care if they are loaded from another MC or duplicated, as long as I can have them reproduced without loading them dynamically. What would you suggest?
there is no moving at all. Once amovie clip is in a timeline, its there for trhe rest of its life. The best you can do is recreate it in another timeline and then remove the original. This accounts for both internal movieclips and those loaded from external sources. You’ll have an advantage using internal as you wont have to load the clip all over again if you need it to be in another movieclip - though it caches, there will still be a delay as it comes back in.