Duplicating Movie clip

The below script has a duplicate movieclip in it yet it does not seem to be working ? Can anyone tell me why thanks:

on (release) {
//font = _root.extras.font_cb.getValue();
font = font_cb.getValue();
_global.text = input;

//if (_root.inputbox.text != “” ) {

this[“textmovie”+count].onPress = function() {
this.dragging = true;


Dunno if its just a typo, but theres an unnecessary space here;
duplicateMovieClip(_root.extras.textmovie,"[COLOR=“Red”]textmov ie[/COLOR]"+count,count+12);

you may also need to define count on the timeline if you are using 2004+.

Unless your button is located on the _root.extras timeline you need

_root.extras["textmovie"+count].onPress = function() {}

it will always address to the last count value …

Really? Even for the increment command ++? I remember running into problems until I initiated it with var num = 0;

EDIT; Just tested it, it does have to be given an initial value before incrementing

creating MovieClips will pass ok