if you guys pay a little more attention, po_y and po_x are variables that receive values at the begining of the code, therefore NO need to place a DOT like one of you suggested and the other one embraced.
po_x=-101.5; //VARIABLE!!!!
po_y=-1109.1; //VARIABLE!!!!
for (c = 1; c < 30; c++)
_root.mc_l_1["area_test_" + c]._x = po_x; // HERE is the position x for mc_l_1
_root.mc_l_1["area_test_" + c]._y = po_y; // HERE is the position y for mc_l_1
po_y=po_y+ 102;
[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]So, instead of bragging about each others amazing and most infinite skills in programming, what about actually helping me on duplicating one movie clip inside of another one, instead of using the forum to showoff and actually using it as it is supposed to b used: to help.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana] [/FONT][/COLOR]
when you rename the new movieclip you just input a name
for (i = 1; i < 30; i++)
duplicateMovieClip(root.mc_l_1[“area_test”],"area_test" + i, _root.mc_l_1.getNextHighestDepth());
for (c = 1; c < 30; c++)
{ root.mc_l_1["area_test" + c]._x = po_x; root.mc_l_1["area_test" + c]._y = po_y;
po_y+= 102;
po_x += 120;
po_y = -1109.1;
just make sure you have the item checked to be exported in first frame, and call your library item in the action script linkage box “area_test” and this code should take care of the rest (I hope untested just wrote it)