DVD menus!

ummm just wondering if i am in the right forum to start !!

but the question i have for you you kirupians is that…

how do you make an interactive DVD menu??

thats all

there are a few apps out there that you can create interactive menus . let me looks for some links, off the top of my head, i believe Macromedia Director MX does, Premier Pro (new version)…

ill try to find some more.

to make ultra cool ones what Soulty mentioned is very good. But you will also need like AE or Combstion with a 3d app to complete the circle.

ohh cool ! thanks for the helping out guys !!

you wouldn’t know of any tutorials ! cause i couldn’t find any :frowning:


good luck…what you want to look into is broadcast graphics…Cruise the adobe After Effects forum.

i just checked out Adobe Encore DVD. Its new, works great with photoshop, aftereffect, premier, brings them all together in this app to create interactive dvds.

oh yeah forgot about that one…good catch Soulty.

i really don’t know anything about this, in fact i don’t even have a DVD player…

but from what i’ve garnered from a penny arcade comic, i think that one of the ‘i’ products (from apple) can make interactive DVD stuff :smiley:

you mean idvd, lmao theres a few other appts for windows i used spruceup which is great but didnt support animated menus, this was like 1 or 2 years ago apple bought spruceup and made idvd with the engine, but theres another appt i tested that was great its called DVD Maestro supports various image formats and animations very good but steep learning curve

thanks guys !!! i think they got macromedia director at TAFE so i will try and give that a wiz !!

:love: THANKS A BUNCH GUYS !!! :love:

*thanks god he join kirupa !!

hey you might find this site useful!

thanks kei !!! that helps a lot !!!

*adds to favourites

Director will work…
If you aren’t trying to get THAT deep, the new Roxio DVD Builder comes with pre-made menus that you can customize. There are alot of choices inside of the program. After registering it, you may also download additional ones…
I hope this helps
