Making your own DVD

Hi there,

I’d like to make a presentation like a movie(dvd). I know How to make video with after effects that’s where it ends for me.So for dvd witch output format does that movie have to be? How make the dvd menu where you can add buttons for the movie, special features,etc and how like all your content. Any programs needed for that and are there good tuts here on the net.Pleace let me know.I’m on a mac so the programs should be for osx.


Well the format for dvd is mpg2 I believe you can export to mpg2 using AE and Premiere or you can find more info here

If you were using a PC id recommend Adobes Encore DVD but since your using a Mac I think your best bet is IDVD.

Good luck

nero could be used too for dvd’s. but adobe has more features. go for encore if you have the savings:)

Encore (at least version 1) is really picky about what you feed it.

if you want REALLY simple menu creation etc, just use Arcsoft DVD Slideshow. It covers slideshows, movies and menus :slight_smile:

Guys hes on a Mac so none of those apps work for him iDVD is your best bet buddy also check out the website I mentioned on my first reply they have tutorials for every platform good luck

whoops, didn’t read the entire post :stuck_out_tongue:

idvd is fine if you don’t mind using templates, as your pretty much forced into using at least a stripped down one to make your dvds.

apple’s dvd studio pro is an excellent program to make custom dvds with, and it’s pretty easy to pick up the basics of it.