I’m working on this site currently. Would like to know what y’all think about the color scheme. Especially the left and right columns. I think they pretty much fit the overall picture. Or could I use another color? :sigh:
It just looks very filterish, and amature. Please don’t take offense that because I know you have skill. I just think it doesn’t look very professional.
pretty top bit
got that. Good idea actually, I think I should re-work it. Thanx for the comment
well im really yes and no about that header. the logo is great, and blue header compliments it well, but i feel that it also looks off the more it continues to the right, have something that relates to the logo i think, maybe even a solid blue and a taxi yellow strip somewhere. (maybe some diagonal checkers that the taxis have).
the colours for the rest of the site are cool, the light blue is more of a purple but thats cool, not too sure about white type with outlined blue something not right about that.
i assume your still working on the content in the middle?
is there suppose to be a box around the search icon? or is that suppose to be transparent?
interested with the progression on this. keep us posted.
definitely will. I’m more working on the functinality right now. Right now I’m applying a major mod (keep fingers crossed, changing both the sql db and most of the files :d: ) which will let me create customer groups and apply different prices to them. Man I love OsCommerce, you can do anything you want!
The search thing will be fixed. Original OsC template has a white background behind so it doesn’t show, But I’ve changed the color so I’m going to fix that.
Thanx a lot again for the great feedback guys Certainly appreciate it.