Dynamic Gallery help

i’m trying to create a simple dynamic gallery…

the basic premise is that i dont want to have to edit my flash file everytime i want to put a new picture up…so i 'm trying to make a gallery so that all i have to do is number the pictures in a certain way…and drop them in the appropriate folder.

so basically i’ve gotten pretty far into it…and have hit a wall…mind youall im not exactly a coder…i’m a 3d modeler.

but anyhoo heres what i have.

I’m using instances of a UI loader at the bottom… to serve as my thumbnails. the next and previous buttons just add or subtract from the source value…to scroll the thumbs.

now here is where i hit a problem.

i have a big instance of the UILoader to serve as the viewer.

i’m trying to create a custom property on each instance of the thumbnails…so that i can point the big viewer at the

currentTarget.“customproperty” …that way the big viewer would know what thumb was clicked…

but i cant add a custom property to a UI loader for some reason …event though it says its a movie clip…

any help?

heres my code:

var imageNumber:Number = 1;
var imageNumber2:Number = 2;
var imgRef1: Number = imageNumber;
var imgRef2: Number = imageNumber2;

smallImageLoader1.bigimage = imgRef1


function checkNumber():void{
    next_btn.visible = true;
    prev_btn.visible = true;
if (imageNumber == 1){


next_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,nextImage);

function nextImage (e:MouseEvent):void{
    trace("next image");
    imageNumber ++;
    imageNumber2 ++;
    smallImageLoader1.source = "images/"+imageNumber+".jpg";
    smallImageLoader2.source = "images/"+imageNumber2+".jpg";


prev_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, prevImage);

function prevImage (e:MouseEvent):void {
    trace("previous image");
    imageNumber --;
    imageNumber2 --;
    smallImageLoader1.source= "images/"+imageNumber+".jpg";
    smallImageLoader2.source = "images/"+imageNumber2+".jpg";


smallImageLoader1.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, imgLoad);

function imgLoad (e:MouseEvent):void{
    largeImageLoader.source = "bigimages/" +e.currentTarget.bigimage+ ".jpg";