Hello everybody!
I need help with a dynamic flash gallery im trying to create. As an example, im using vman’s gallery, found here: http://www.kirupa.com/forum/showthread.php?t=79236&page=3&pp=15&highlight=gallery+folders
i have a movieclip that has two frames,on the first frame i have AS that loads the folder names(the folders hold pics) in and displays them as buttons, this i got done…
Now on the second frame i have a containerMC wich should hold the pics, when you press the folder button, it should load the pics from that loader. Also on the second frame i have back and next buttons. Basically the gallery looks like the kirupa basic photo gallery: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/photogallery.htm
i need that those pics would be kind of thumbs to display a much larger pic…
and i got lost in the code, so i could need some advice…
count_folders = new LoadVars ();
count_folders.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
folder_array = this.foldernames.split (",");
folder = folder_array[0];
for (i = 0; i < folder_array.length - 1; i++) {
_root.textButton_MC.attachMovie ("textbutton", "textbutton" + i, i, {_x:startX, _y:startY});
buttonName = folder_array*;
_root.textButton_MC["textbutton" + i].showText.text = buttonName;
_root.textButton_MC["textbutton" + i].folderName = buttonName;
_root.textButton_MC["textbutton" + i].onRelease = function () {
_root.folder = this.folderName;
startY = (cnt % numColumns == 0) ? 0 : startY + _root.textButton_MC["textbutton" + i]._height + 10;
//startX = (cnt % numColumns == 0) ? startX + _root.textButton_MC["textbutton" + i]._width : startX;
count_folders.sendAndLoad ("http://localhost/galerii/foldercounter.php", count_folders, "POST");
changeGallery = function () {
count_thumbs = new LoadVars ();
count_thumbs.folder = folder;
count_thumbs.onLoad = function (ok) {
if (ok) {
i = 0;
cnt = 1;
startX = 0;
startY = 0;
//_root.thumbMC._y = 10;
//_root.thumbMC._x = 17;
thumb_array = this.filenames.split (",");
_root.picNum = thumb_array[0];
_root.arrayLength = thumb_array.length - 2;
_root.containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + thumb_array[0]);
for (i = 0; i < thumb_array.length - 1; i++) {
_root["file" + i] = thumb_array*;
filename = thumb_array*;
//thumbMC.thumbScroller.thumbHolder["box" + i].container.loadMovie ("Gigs/" + folder + "/thumbs/" + filename);
//thumbMC.thumbScroller.thumbHolder["box" + i].targPic = filename;
//thumbMC.thumbScroller.thumbHolder["box" + i].targNum = i;
//thumbMC.thumbScroller.thumbHolder["box" + i].onRelease = function () {
containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + this.targPic);
_root.current = this.targNum;
_root.galleriesUp = 0;
_root.picNum = this.targPic;
_root.containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + _root.picNum);
count_thumbs.sendAndLoad ("http://localhost/galerii/thumbcounter2.php", count_thumbs, "POST");
_root.back.onRelease = function () {
if (current == 0) {
containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + [file0]);
current = 0;
//cur_img.text = current;
} else {
current = current - 1;
containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + _root["file" + current]);
_root.next.onRelease = function () {
if (current == arrayLength) {
containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + _root["file" + current]);
current = arrayLength;
} else {
current = current + 1;
containerMC.loadPic (folder + "/pildid/" + _root["file" + current]);