are there any extra rules for dynamic textfields that receive html data?
on my site i’m creating a textfield & bringing in external text to fill it. all’s well unless i enable html on the textfield, and attempt to use [p] or [br] (which i know isn’t officially supported - i only tried after [p] produced strange results). the first ‘paragraph’ or two will be wrapped properly, but after that flash decides to continue on the one line, outwith the limits of the created textbox.
<----text field size------>
this is the text from my
dynamically created text
box. paragraph one wraps
again, this one seems to
work properly.
this is another lot. for some reason it continues on and on.
as does this one, which does exactly the same. etc.
(sorry i haven’t posted a link to the file - my ftp’s down)
the textfile does not contain any carriage returns, and is properly set out (at least, as far as i know). if i remove the [br] or [p] tags from the imported text, everything wraps properly again, as it does if i disable html on the field. text is added using x.htmlText="". other formatting (such as bold) doesn’t seem to affect the wrapping, working as i’d expect. the size of the imported text doesn’t seem to make a difference.
changing the contents of the textfield to something else leaves the characters outwith the field size on screen, until i zoom/pan etc.
i’ve tried changing the settings of the field (such as alignment, font size, etc), and with changing setTextFormat/setNewTextFormat, to no avail.
selectable = 0, multiline = 1 & wordWrap = 1 are all in use on the field.
any help would be much appreciated, as it’s confusing the hell out of me.